
Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment

Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Welcome to the website of the Department of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment at the University of Jena!

Personality Psychology (including its applied subdiscipline: Psychological Assessment) examines why people are so different and how these differences influence important areas of life - such as health, education, occupation, partnership, and family.

Our teaching focus is:

  • Basics in Personality Psychology
  • Methods of Research in Personality Psychology
  • Applied Personality Psychology

Our research focuses on:

  • Personality Development
  • Personality and Mobility
  • Implicit motives
  • Loneliness and Being Alone
  • Partnership, family and cooperative relationships

More information about our research can be found here.

Department of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment
Lehrstuhl Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik
Lehrstuhl Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)